РАЗНИЦА: значение слова

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Большой русско-английский словарь


жен. difference
disparity (неравенство) большая разница – (it makes) a big difference какая разница – what's the difference?, what difference does it really make? разные разности – all kinds/sorts of things разница в годах – disparity in years

разниц|а - ж. difference
~ лет difference in age
вся ~ в том, что... the only difference is that...
с той ~ей, что... the difference being that...
валютная ~ difference in currency rates
~ в весе difference in weight
~ в качестве difference in quality
~ в ценах difference in prices
курсовая ~ difference in rates of exchange
налоговая ~ difference in taxes
большая ~ it makes a great difference
какая ~? what difference does it make?, whatś the difference?
без ~ы makes no difference