would see: will Etymology: Middle English wolde, from Old English; akin to Old High German wolta wished, desired Date: before 12th century
1. wished, desired, wish for ; want , c. strongly desire ; wish , (2) — used in auxiliary function with rather or sooner to express preference
2. a. — used in auxiliary function to express wish, desire, or intent b. — used in auxiliary function to express willingness or preference c. — used in auxiliary function to express plan or intention
3. — used in auxiliary function to express custom or habitual action
4. — used in auxiliary function to express consent or choice
5. a. — used in auxiliary function in the conclusion of a conditional sentence to express a contingency or possibility b. — used in auxiliary function in a noun clause (as one completing a statement of desire, request, or advice)
6. — used in auxiliary function to express probability or presumption in past or present time could ,
8. — used in auxiliary function to express a request with which voluntary compliance is expected
9. — used in auxiliary function to express doubt or uncertainty should