PLANT: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English plantian, from Late Latin plantare to plant, fix in place, from Latin, to plant, from planta plant Date: before 12th century transitive verb

1. to put or set in the ground for growth , to set or sow with seeds or plants, implant ,

2. establish , institute , colonize , settle , to place (animals) in a new locality, to stock with animals,

3. to place in or on the ground, to place firmly or forcibly ,

4. conceal , to covertly place for discovery, publication, or dissemination, intransitive verb to plant something, plantable adjective

II. noun
Etymology: Middle English plante, from Old English, from Latin planta Date: before 12th century

1. a young tree, vine, shrub, or herb planted or suitable for planting, any of a kingdom (Plantae) of multicellular eukaryotic mostly photosynthetic organisms typically lacking locomotive movement or obvious nervous or sensory organs and possessing cellulose cell walls,

2. the land, buildings, machinery, apparatus, and fixtures employed in carrying on a trade or an industrial business, a factory or workshop for the manufacture of a particular product, the total facilities available for production or service, the buildings and other physical equipment of an institution, an act of planting, something or someone planted, plantlike adjective