MEASLES: значение слова

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Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)


сущ.; мн.

1) корь to catch, come down with (the) measles ≈ заболеть корью epidemic, outbreak of measles ≈ эпидемия кори

2) ветер. финноз

корь (ветеринарное) финноз, цистицеркоз

German ~ краснуха

measles pl (употр. как sing) корь

~ pl (употр. как sing) вет. финноз

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Etymology: Middle English meseles, plural of mesel measles, spot characteristic of measles; akin to Middle Dutch masel spot characteristic of measles
Date: 14th century

1. an acute contagious disease that is caused by a morbillivirus (species Measles virus ) and is marked especially by an eruption of distinct red circular spots, any of various eruptive diseases (as German measles), infestation with or disease caused by larval tapeworms in the muscles and tissues