verb (entered; entering) see: inter-
Date: 13th century
intransitive verb to go or come in, to come or gain admission into a group ; join ,
3. to make a beginning , to begin to consider a subject, to go upon land for the purpose of taking possession,
5. to come onstage, to come into a preestablished situation or context like an actor coming onstage, to play a part ; be a factor , transitive verb to come or go into , inscribe , register , to cause to be received or admitted , to put in ; insert ,
5. to make a beginning in , to go into (a particular period of time) , to become a member of or an active participant in , to make report of (a ship or its cargo) to customs authorities, to place in proper form before a court of law or upon record , to go into or upon and take actual possession of (as land), to put formally on record , enterable adjective Synonyms: see: enter
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