COMPLETE: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. adjective (completer; -est)
Etymology: Middle English complet, from Latin completus, from past participle of complēre
Date: 14th century

1. having all necessary parts, elements, or steps , having all four sets of floral organs, including modifiers, complements, or objects, brought to an end ; concluded , highly proficient ,

4. fully carried out ; thorough , total , absolute , legally caught, characterized by the occurrence of a pupal stage between the motile immature stages and the adult, having the property that every Cauchy sequence of elements converges to a limit in the space, see: full completely adverb completeness noun completive adjective

II. transitive verb (completed; completing)
Date: 15th century
to bring to an end and especially into a perfected state ,

2. to make whole or perfect , to mark the end of , execute , fulfill , to carry out (a forward pass) successfully, see: close

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


complete fertilizer
Date: 1871
a fertilizer that contains the three chief plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


complete with
phrasal made complete by the inclusion of