Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition
I. verb (bored; boring)
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English borian; akin to Old High German borōn to bore, Latin forare to bore, ferire to strike Date: before 12th century transitive verb to pierce with a turning or twisting movement of a tool, to make (as a cylindrical hole) by boring or digging away material , intransitive verb
1. to make a hole by or as if by boring, to sink a mine shaft or well, to make one's way steadily especially against resistance ,
II. noun
Date: 14th century
1. a usually cylindrical hole made by or as if by boring, a borehole drilled especially to make an artesian well,
2. the long usually cylindrical hollow part of something (as a tube or gun barrel), the inner surface of a hollow cylindrical object, the size of a bore: as, the interior diameter of a gun barrel, the diameter of an engine cylinder, see: bear
IV. noun
Etymology: Middle English *bore wave, from Old Norse bāra
Date: 1601
a tidal flood with a high abrupt front,
V. noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1766
one that causes boredom: as, a tiresome person, something that is devoid of interest, V
I. transitive verb (bored; boring)
Date: 1768
to cause to feel boredom