Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition
I. verb (said; saying; says)
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English secgan; akin to Old High German sagēn to say, Lithuanian sakyti, Greek ennepein to speak, tell Date: before 12th century transitive verb
1. to express in words ; state , to state as opinion or belief ; declare ,
2. utter , pro noun ce , recite , repeat ,
3. indicate , show , to give expression to ; communicate , suppose , assume , intransitive verb to express oneself ; speak , sayer noun
II. noun (plural says)
Date: 1571
something that is said ; statement , an expression of opinion , a right or power to influence action or decision,
III. adverb
Etymology: from imperative of 1say
Date: circa 1596
about , approximately , for example ; as