PRECIPITATE: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. verb (-tated; -tating)
Etymology: Latin praecipitatus, past participle of praecipitare, from praecipit-, praeceps
Date: 1528
transitive verb

1. to throw violently ; hurl , to throw down, to bring about especially abruptly ,

3. to cause to separate from solution or suspension, to cause (vapor) to condense and fall or deposit, intransitive verb

1. to fall headlong, to fall or come suddenly into some condition, to move or act precipitately,

3. to separate from solution or suspension, to condense from a vapor and fall as rain or snow, precipitative adjective precipitator noun

II. noun
Etymology: New Latin praecipitatum, from Latin, neuter of praecipitatus
Date: 1594
a substance separated from a solution or suspension by chemical or physical change usually as an insoluble amorphous or crystalline solid, a product, result, or outcome of some process or action,

III. adjective
Date: 1615

1. falling, flowing, or rushing with steep descent, precipitous , steep , exhibiting violent or unwise speed, precipitately adverb precipitateness noun Synonyms: see: precipitate