Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)
[ˈherəsɪ] сущ. ересь to be guilty of heresy ≈ быть виновным в ереси to preach heresy ≈ проповедовать ересь It was heresy to talk like that. ≈ То, что Вы говорите, сущая ересь/нелепица.
ересь - to fall into * впасть в ересь - to smack /to savour/ of * отдавать ересью
heresy ересь
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition
noun (plural -sies)
Etymology: Middle English heresie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin haeresis, from Late Greek hairesis, from Greek, action of taking, choice, sect, from hairein to take
Date: 13th century
1. adherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma, denial of a revealed truth by a baptized member of the Roman Catholic Church, an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma,
2. dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion, or practice, an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards