ELEPHANT: значение слова

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Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)


(зоология) слон (Elephantidae) (the E.) (американизм) Слон (эмблема республиканской партии) the E. and the Donkey республиканская и демократическая партии (специальное) формат чертежной или писчей бумаги (20 х 27 д.) (полиграфия) формат печатной бумаги (23 х 30 д.) (устаревшее) слоновая кость > white * ненужная, никчемная вещь > to see the * (американизм) увидеть свет, узнать жизнь > to see pink *s допиться до (зеленых) чертиков

elephant (E.) амер. слон (эмблема республиканской партии) ~ слон ~ формат бумаги

~ attr.: ~ bull слон; elephant calf слоненок; elephant cow слониха; elephant trumpet рев слона

~ attr.: ~ bull слон; elephant calf слоненок; elephant cow слониха; elephant trumpet рев слона

~ attr.: ~ bull слон; elephant calf слоненок; elephant cow слониха; elephant trumpet рев слона

~ attr.: ~ bull слон; elephant calf слоненок; elephant cow слониха; elephant trumpet рев слона

~ attr.: ~ bull слон; elephant calf слоненок; elephant cow слониха; elephant trumpet рев слона

to see the ~, to get a look at the ~ амер. узнать жизнь, увидеть свет; увидеть жизнь большого города

sea ~ зоол. морской слон

to see the ~, to get a look at the ~ амер. узнать жизнь, увидеть свет; увидеть жизнь большого города

white ~ обременительное имущество; подарок, который неизвестно куда девать

Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)


(зоология) морской слон (Mirounga)

Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)


бивень слона

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


noun (plural elephants; also elephant)
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French olifant, elefant, from L. elephantus, from Greek elephant-, elephas
Date: 14th century
any of a family (Elephantidae, the elephant family) of thickset usually extremely large nearly hairless herbivorous mammals that have a snout elongated into a muscular trunk and two incisors in the upper jaw developed especially in the male into large ivory tusks and that include two living forms and various extinct relatives: as, a tall large-eared mammal ( Loxodonta africana ) of tropical Africa, a relatively small-eared mammal ( Elephas maximus ) of forests of southeastern Asia, an animal or fossil related to the elephants, one that is uncommonly large or hard to manage

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


elephant bird
Date: circa 1889
any of a group (genus Aepyornis or order Aepyornithiformes) of gigantic flightless ratite birds known only from remains found in Madagascar

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


elephant garlic
Date: circa 1923
an Old World herb ( Allium ampeloprasum ) of the lily family that is related to the leek and has a bulb that resembles that of garlic but is much larger

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


elephant grass
Date: 1832
an Old World cattail ( Typha elephantina ) used especially in making baskets, napier grass

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


elephant seal
Date: 1839
either of two very large seals (genus Mirounga of the family Phocidae) characterized by a long inflatable proboscis:, one ( M. angustirostris ) found in Pacific coastal waters from southeastern Alaska to Baja California, one ( M. leonina ) found in coastal waters of subantarctic islands and Patagonia