Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)
[ˈkəuzɪ] = cosy
стеганный чехол для чайника - tea * чехол на чайник угловой диванчик на двоих уютный, удобный
cozy =cosy
Большой англо-русский словарь (с транскрипциями)
(американизм) подлизываться
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition
I. adjective (cozier; -est)
Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian koselig cozy
Date: 1709
1. enjoying or affording warmth and ease ; snug , marked by or providing contentment or comfort ,
2. marked by the intimacy of the family or a close group, marked by or suggesting close association or connivance , marked by a discreet and cautious attitude or procedure, see: comfortable cozily adverb coziness noun
II. noun (plural cozies)
Date: 1863
a padded covering especially for a teapot to keep the contents hot, a light detective story that usually features a well-educated protagonist and little explicit violence,
III. adverb
Date: 1946
in a cautious manner
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition
cozy up
intransitive verb
Date: 1965
to attain or try to attain familiarity, friendship, or intimacy ; ingratiate oneself