CORRUPT: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. verb see: reave
Date: 14th century
transitive verb

1. to change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions, to degrade with unsound principles or moral values, rot , spoil , to subject (a person) to corruption of blood, to alter from the original or correct form or version , intransitive verb

1. to become tainted or rotten, to become morally debased, to cause disintegration or ruin, see: debase corrupter also corruptor noun corruptibility noun corruptible adjective corruptibly adverb

II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin corruptus
Date: 14th century

1. morally degenerate and perverted ; depraved , characterized by improper conduct (as bribery or the selling of favors) , putrid , tainted, adulterated or debased by change from an original or correct condition , see: vicious corruptly adverb corruptness noun