BLAME: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. transitive verb (blamed; blaming)
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French blamer, blasmer, from Late Latin blasphemare to blaspheme, from Greek blasphēmein
Date: 13th century
to find fault with ; censure ,

2. to hold responsible , to place responsibility for , blamer noun
Usage: Use of blame in sense 2b with on has occasionally been disparaged as wrong. Such disparagement is without basis; blame on occurs as frequently in carefully edited prose as blame for. Both are standard.

II. noun
Date: 13th century
an expression of disapproval or reproach ; censure ,

2. a state of being blameworthy ; culpability, fault , sin , responsibility for something believed to deserve censure , blameless adjective blamelessly adverb blamelessness noun