Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English, alteration (resulting from false division of a napron) of napron, from Middle French naperon, diminutive of nape cloth, modification of Latin mappa napkin
Date: 15th century
a garment usually of cloth, plastic, or leather usually tied around the waist and used to protect clothing or adorn a costume, something that suggests or resembles an apron in shape, position, or use: as, the lower member under the sill of the interior casing of a window, an upward or downward vertical extension of a bathroom fixture (as a sink or tub), an endless belt for carrying material, an extensive fan-shaped deposit of detritus, the part of the stage in front of the proscenium arch, the area along the waterfront edge of a pier or wharf, a shield (as of concrete or gravel) to protect against erosion (as of a waterway) by water, the extensive paved part of an airport immediately adjacent to the terminal area or hangars, aproned adjective
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